Born from the multiplication of technologies and telecom players in the enterprise, Telco FinOps – or Network FinOps – is a new approach to controlling network costs. It requires dedicated expertise, tools and governance.
The definition of Telco FinOps, as we are trying to build it within Lucernys, is based on the multiplication of expertises, itself resulting from the tenfold increase of providers. The exponential evolution of data in the enterprise implies that people are able to analyze this data. It requires, first and foremost, telecom experts who are able to understand what services are being delivered, and how they will be delivered – technically, commercially and contractually – by providers such as Orange, SFR, Versa, Sewan, Linkt and many others. And then this multiplication of data and suppliers also requires processing a considerable number of lines of information, which can no longer be done in Excel or Access. Data analysts and business intelligence experts are therefore essential to give intelligence to this information.
All this analysis work is obviously based on dedicated tools. And if the tools are very diverse, what is generic in companies are Telecom Service Management (TSM) tools like Servicenow for example, database tools such as Excel, Access and also tools for TEMor FinOps as Mytem360 in particular, since it gives a lot of visibility and intelligence to the data, and above all a pairing between these different repositories.
An adapted governance
Finally, a very important point in the definition of Telco FinOps: once the analysis has been produced, the information must be delivered, which requires appropriate governance. Whether through committees, KPIs or reports, it is essential to understand the management objectives that we want to follow and therefore to be able to process the data for this purpose.