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Our references

Our clients are our best ambassadors…

Automotive supplier

Redesign of the contact center solution


Server and backup modernization

Chamber of commerce and crafts

Diag flash - server room

Healthcare insurance

Modernization of SAN storage facilities

Social welfare group

IT expense optimization - perf 360

Insurance company

Implementation of the perf 360 diagnosis

Real estate developer

Finops digital workplace (o365)

Public organization

Infrastructure transformation

Real estate management company

Management and deployment of a uc solution

Car manufacturer

Mobile rollout

Insurance group

Budget agilization

Audiovisual group

Support for the move to cloud

Food distributor

Transformation plan

Sporting rights management company

Move to Cloud & Infogérance

Hard-discount store

FinOps Cloud et ventilation ERP

Industrial cosmetics group

Implementation of a website factory

Retail group

Digital transformation program

Luxury cosmetics

Call for tenders SD-WAN

Accounting office

Network and telephony redesign

Joint buying group

Fin-Ops cloud and ERP breakdown

Catering company

Telecom and ERP management

Banking group

Optimizing digital mobility

Large distribution group

Finops telecom support

Audit firm

Azure optimization and SQL DB

Healthcare group

Desktop virtualization

Insurance broker

Digital workplace roadmap